Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Woman in the Library - Day 7 (August 2022)

 For the final day (7) of Bout-of-Book August 2022, I've selected a book I listened to and read parts of.

“The Woman in the Library” by Sulari Gentill

is a modern take on ‘drawing room’ mystery, a la Agatha Christie. 

Readers and Listeners, pay close attention to the characters who are both in and outside of the story.

Could the author think of a more convoluted tale than a writer writing about a writer writing about a murder in the Boston Public Library?  The writer is joined by a trio of strangers at the library, all curious about the woman’s murder which they heard. Each has a motive to murder the woman. And then there is Leo the fan / editor who corresponds with the writer and also shows up in the story. Yikes!


I'd tell you more about the tale but it's impossible to unpick the tangled web of tale the author crafted. You'll just have to read it for yourself.


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