I have friends who read, who read voraciously, quickly, slowly, and sadly, some who say they don't read much at all any more. As Bout of Books for January 2022 begins, I want to focus on the joys of reading, of what reading can do for you.
Joy 1
Reading is the best way to start your day. You get to reacquaint yourself with the book you were reading the night before. You can start a new adventure. Best of all, you can start you day with a quiet moment reading in place, at home, or even on public transportation.
Start your day with a book
For those of you who say, "I don't have time to read," the truth might be that you don't set aside time to read and relax each day.
I've started my morning with a book for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I read for a few minutes as I was eating breakfast, other times, like this morning, I finished the last 80 pages in a thriller. In each and every instance of reading in place, reading with joy, I am taking time to refresh myself and to dive into a book or at the very least an article.
Where's the joy? The joy is diving into a story and letting it encompass you. The joy is savoring the words, the illustrations, and the setting of the story. Best of all, it's a chance to start the day with something other than the news.
I leave you today with the suggestion that you take a few minutes to read every morning, be it five minutes or fifty. Let the joy of the written (or spoken) work work its way through your whole self. And ENJOY.
Tomorrow, Day 2, I'll share more ways to en-JOY reading in place!
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